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New posts in vagrant

Best common workflow for Vagrant and Knife Solo (or any other non Vagrant Chef Env)?

Breakpoints in two applications sharing the same codebase using Xdebug

vagrant - Vagrantfile: sync multiple folders

How can I programmatically query Vagrant for its provisioning status?

X11 Forwarding for non-root user not working

Input/output error using Vagrant & winnfsd

rake aborted! cannot load such file -- yard

ruby rubygems vagrant

Set up Vagrant box exactly like production server

Silent Install Weblogic in a Vagrant VM

bash vagrant weblogic

Puppet exec command runs in shell, but not via puppet

Minikube service URL not working

IP of Docker Container - Virtualbox + Windows

docker vagrant virtualbox

Vagrant box list details. How to check from which box (url) is box added to vagrant


Connect to Vagrant Mysql with mysql Workbench

Installing ruby 1.9.3 on vagrant rbenv NoMethodError loaded_recipe?

ruby vagrant rbenv

Keep vagrant database data after vagrant destroy

where are the vagrant api docs?


PHPStorm + XDebug + Vagrant

Project layout with vagrant, docker and git

php git docker vagrant