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New posts in vagrant

ERROR: Cookbook loaded at path(s) has invalid metadata

vagrant: command not found after install on Mac OSX 10.10.4

installation vagrant

Use Vagrant trigger to execute bash script on host

windows host + vagrant + kubectl port-forward: stuck inside vagrant

Chef fails to run because cookbooks folder is not accessible

"include_recipe" vs. Vagrantfile "chef.add_recipe". What's the difference?

NGINX not picking up changes in Vagrant Synced folder

How to set up gateway of public network in vagrant

vagrant can't find existing box


npm install with Chef, lead to EACCES issue in my vagrant user

npm vagrant chef-infra

Errno::ETXTBSY: Text file busy @ unlink_internal

Using Vagrant and Docker together, by example

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Ansible apt-get install output

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Vagrant up OS X Not Working

macos vagrant salt-stack

cygwin: vagrant ssh, empty command prompt

vagrant cygwin

Vagrant Synced Folder without reload?


Unable to change nginx.conf file

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RVM: Permission denied while loading gemset from .rvmrc file in system-wide install

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vagrant host name with port number does not execute php file

Setting up Shell Script for Vagrant Setup

shell vagrant