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How to set TERM environment variable in Windows so that it works with Bash via SSH and locally with Git?

How to package synced folder in vagrant box

ssh a vagrant box without 'vagrant ssh'

ubuntu ssh vagrant

vagrant reload synced_folder

vagrant vagrantfile

"vagrant up" it stops at SSH auth method: private key

Mount.nfs: Connection timed out ... - Vagrant - Trellis

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NPM Install fails - fsevents

What is the url to the ubuntu/xenial64 box url for vagrant?


SQL Server setup fails with "Unable to generate a temporary class" when through chef-solo on vagrant

Vagrant & Puppet - Provisioning Failing

puppet vagrant

Creating a Ruby on Rails environment on Windows, in a VM Vagrant Box

Ansible and Playbook. How to convert shell commands into yaml syntax?

Guard --listen-on with vagrant

Create a VM image from a Vagrant box using Packer?

vagrant virtualbox packer

Are there any emulator for AWS Lambda?

Source not found on Vagrant up

Pass environment variable to provisioner in Vagrant

vagrant ansible

Ansible called by Vagrant does not prompt for vault password

Cannot compile Vagrant VirtualBox Guest Additions on 3.8 Kernel

vagrant up error : default: Error: Connection timeout. Retrying