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Build Qt project with VS C++ Compiler 15.0 with C++17 to use WinRT APIs

c++ qt uwp windows-10 c++-winrt

How to display 2 web camera preview in UWP?

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Installing shell extension using Desktop Bridge

Whats the difference in using Functions in x:Bind and a IValueConverter?

Make UWP Color Picker Smaller or Larger

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UWP apps accessing files from random location on system

How to implement a custom presenter in a Windows UWP (Xamarin, MvvmCross)

xamarin mvvmcross uwp

How to save my app settings?

c# windows uwp

How to set a "First-Launch-View" in C#

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The application requesting authentication tokens is either disabled or incorrectly configured

UWP BitmapImage SetSource from MemoryStream hangs

c# binding uwp bitmapimage

Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform 5.2.2 Nuget Update Fails

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UWP: Get current CultureInfo

Determine if C++ application is running as a UWP app in Desktop Bridge (Project Centennial)

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Bitmap smoothing in UWP

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Scroll to new item in ListView for UWP

How to delete a file from local disk in UWP

SVG images shown blacked out in UWP application

How to extend a XAML control with new properties properly?

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Alternative for deserializing XML with XmlSerializer

c# uwp xmlserializer