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New posts in user-interface

jQuery UI and using/not using themes

Usability of applications without the traditional "menu" bar

windows user-interface

How can I show UI hints for form controls like the Stack Overflow Career CV form does?

Jquery - waiting for user input

Gui window Positioning in Autohotkey

user-interface autohotkey

SWT-like GUI toolkit for C or C++

How do I show a loading bezel on the iPhone?

User interface issues regarding embedded PDFs

Application GUI development platform

Best workflow for binding website user accounts with facebook accounts

Making TAB key work on Windows dialog

How are GUIs drawn?


C# GUI Application, Another class from another thread updating the UI

Java Swing - separation between GUI and coding?

java user-interface swing

Using intercellSpacing in a JTable with a custom row background color causes unexpected results

How Google detects input in search box to display instant results?

Inspecting Component Hierarchy in Java UI

java user-interface swing

Lasso tool in javascript

wxPython PopUp notifications

how can you create a login screen like the iPhone facebook app?

iphone ipad user-interface