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New posts in user-input

MATLAB: Enter to confirm input-dialog?

Reading from sys.stdin, ending user input with RETURN

python user-input stdin sys

How to limit visible user input when using std::cin?

c++ input user-input

php - how to validate a regular expression itself?

Working with user input in Objective-C Foundation command line utility

A Java program that runs an external "java myprog < input.txt > output.txt"

Editing a delimited string using multiple input fields in AngularJS

How do I query a database in PHP and return results based on matching user-input?

php mysql mysqli user-input

making valgrind able to read user input when c++ needs it

c++ user-input valgrind

Phone-like only numbers soft-keyboard

Sending upper case letters to a TextEdit during instrumented tests

How to restrict user input character length of HTML5 input type="number"?

Parsing Time, Date/Time, or Date

c# parsing date time user-input

shell function to prompt for and return input

shell scripting user-input

Python get raw_input but manually decide when string is done

python console user-input

How to record all touch and acclerometer on an Android device in ALL apps

How do I accept piped input and then user-prompted input in a Python script?

python input user-input

HTML Purifier removes IDs even with $config->set('Attr.EnableID', true);

How can I use a user inputted value in my Function in F#

f# user-input factorial

Suggest answer to user input in bash scripting

bash user-input