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New posts in usb

HID-compliant touch screen packet data structure

SWT: Getting notified of a system device change (USB device connection / disconnection)

java event-handling usb swt

How might I receive notifications when a USB device is connected?

c# usb device

How to detect a USB connection in linux/Qt

linux qt usb

very poor performance (~0.4MB/s) with Linux usb bulk transfer kernel driver and hardware loopback

setting baud rate for UsbDeviceConnection

android usb baud-rate

USB to Serial Port

matlab usb serial-port

getDeviceList() always empty

android arduino usb device

How to get device path using libusb in Linux

c# linux usb libusb

What is SingleAdbInterface, CompositeAdbInterface and SingleBootLoaderInterface in android_winusb.inf

android mobile usb adt

UsbConnection.bulkTransfer returns "-1". What does it mean?

android usb

Read data from USB serial device

Hide USB Audio device on MAC OS X using custom kext

Package X requires unavailable shared library com.android.future.usb.accessory

C# Detect if usb device is inserted

c# c#-4.0 usb

Serial communication through USB port with Python stop working after a few reconnects

Managing serial port names in Mac OSX with symlinks

macos serial-port usb tty