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Hide USB Audio device on MAC OS X using custom kext

I am developing an application which does custom audio processing and sends the processed audio to the USB headset. My requirement is that the USB headset should not be visible to the user in the list of Audio output devices in System Preferences. Using "SampleUSBAudioOverrideDriver" code-less kext sample code from Apple, I'm able to change the interface name but I really need to hide it. Is subclassing AppleUSBAudioDevice an option?

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Raunak Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 07:11


1 Answers

The recommended way to do pre-processing of a USB audio device's input and output streams in kernel space is to use the AppleUSBAudioPlugin API. This kext does not appear in the list of devices because it isn't an instance of IOAudioEngine, so there is no "hiding" involved.

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Draxillion Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
