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How to debug an upstart script that intermittently fails?

Upstart console output not working

logging console upstart

how to daemonize a php script to be run with upstart

php ubuntu upstart

How to prevent upstart from killing child processes to a daemon?

Starting uWSGI service fails silently

django ubuntu uwsgi upstart

sudo service mongod start : mongod: unrecognized service

Foreman not working with NGINX

managing uWSGI with Upstart

python uwsgi upstart

Using ubuntu upstart to stop a daemon

ubuntu daemon upstart

running node.js server using upstart causes 'terminated with status 127' on 'ubuntu 10.04'

Upstart init is leaking memory, how do you debug it?

start-stop-daemon error (Exec format error)

Timestamps in upstart logs

logging upstart

How to limit the number of instances UpStart can simultaneously start or respawn

linux ubuntu upstart

Upstart stop if running

linux bash jenkins upstart

How to keep node app running?

node.js ubuntu upstart forever

Upstart task hangs after it finishes successfully

linux ubuntu upstart