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New posts in upstart

Using Upstart to manage Unicorn w/ rbenv + bundler binstubs w/ ruby-local-exec shebang

Running services (upstart/init.d) in a container

docker init upstart

Can upstart's "service start" be used inside a cron job?

linux cron upstart

Run python script as daemon at boot time (Ubuntu)

python upstart werkzeug

Gunicorn and Django with Upstart and Nginx

uwsgi upstart on amazon linux

How to set environment variable in pre-start in Upstart script?

Running bash script in upstart .conf script

bash startup upstart

What's the proper way to run some Python code asynchronously?

python flask upstart

Upstart script for node.js app

node.js ubuntu upstart

How can I get an upstart script to properly manage running a docker image?

docker upstart

initctl too old upstart check

docker ubuntu-14.04 upstart

Upstart: Job failed to start

ubuntu meteor nginx upstart

ubuntu: start (upstart) second instance of mongodb

Need help running Python app as service in Ubuntu with Upstart

python ubuntu upstart

Increase max open files for Ubuntu/Upstart (initctl)

Node.js upstart vs forever

node.js upstart forever

UpStart initctl start|restart ubuntu


Upstart node.js working directory

Can upstart expect/respawn be used on processes that fork more than twice?

linux rhel upstart