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Upstart script needs to run after /tmp is mounted and writable

linux upstart

Set GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM to allow service to access git repo stored under a symlink

git symlink upstart

python script to .deb ubuntu package to install a daemon

Upstart | Ubuntu | Nodejs | Can not run multiple exec inside script block

node.js upstart

upstart & node.js app "stop: Unknown instance:"

node.js ubuntu upstart

Where do I put non-Ruby files in my gem?

cross domain configuration issues using nginx, sails and upstart

ubuntu upstart not respawning the daemon despite respawn in the config file


Cannot get my Upstart script to run Node.js and Forever when server restarts

How to define custom templates with foreman's --template option?

Upstart task generated by foreman doesn't find file?

Puma restart fails on reboot using EC2 + Rails + Nginx + Capistrano

CWD of an Node.js application started with upstart (Ubuntu)

ubuntu node.js cwd upstart

Foreman rvm upstart not work

Running Redis in daemonized form and using Upstart to manage it doesn't work

redis daemon upstart

Send reload command to upstart service

ubuntu upstart

Can I import a Golang package based on the OS I'm building for?

go upstart launchd systemd sysv

Did upstart or bash scripts change on Ubuntu 14.04? (Trying to boot sidekiq with upstart)

MongoDB - Permission denied for socket: /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock