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New posts in unused-variables

Eclipse Errors/Warnings ignore assert in unused variable analysis

boost::system::(...)_category defined but not used

Scala tool to remove all unused code

Unnamed loop variable in range-based for loop?

structured bindings and range-based-for; supress unused warning in gcc

How to detect unused variables in Typescript?

Why the compiler does not issue a warning when an object std::vector is declared but never used? [duplicate]

Why do underscore prefixed variables exist?

Skip type check on unused parameters

Silence PyLint warning about unused variables for string interpolation

“Variable is never assigned” warning in IntelliJ IDEA can be suppressed only "partially"

Standard conventions for indicating a function argument is unused in JavaScript

Unused parameter in c++11

c++ c++11 unused-variables

How can I get rid of an "unused variable" warning in Xcode?

Mark unused parameters in Kotlin