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New posts in unmanaged

Why doesn't IntPtr need the unsafe keyword?

Handling exception from unmanaged dll in C#

c# dll unmanaged

What is the effect of setting (or not) .NET CLR version in ASP.Net Core?

Wrapping unmanaged C++ with C++/CLI - a proper approach

Call c++ library from c#

c# c++ unmanaged

Is it possible to unit test a class that makes P/Invoke calls?

How to run unmanaged executable from memory rather than disc

Referencing an unstable DLL

Database Access Libraries for C++

How to allocate memory with a 16 byte alignment?

c# memory unmanaged

Unmanaged DLLs in C++

c++ dll unmanaged

C# to C++/CLI to C DLL System.IO.FileNotFoundException

Handling different unmanaged integer sizes

c# .net mono integer unmanaged

How to get Visual Studios build system to understand unmanaged dependencies of managed dlls?

Stack overflow in unmanaged: IP: 0x26eb76, fault addr: 0xbf808ffc

Passing struct from unmanaged C++ to C#

c# c++ unmanaged

Managed to unmanaged overhead

.net performance unmanaged

Swift UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFString>?> allocation and print

No functions in C# DLL with RGiesecke.DllExport

c# dll unmanaged

What is the difference between a delegate instance and a method pointer?