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New posts in unix-socket

How do I use Unix domain sockets from Java/Scala?

java scala jvm unix-socket

Unix socket connection to MySql with Java to avoid JDBC's TCP/IP overhead?

java mysql jdbc unix-socket

Unix domain sockets 100x slower on Solaris 10 than on Linux?

UNIX sockets: Is it possible to spoof getsockopt() SO_PEERCRED?

Binding a Unix Domain Socket from within an iOS extension fails with errno 48 (Address already in use)

What is the reason for Broken Pipe on Unix Domain Sockets?

ZeroMQ: Check if someone is listening behind Unix domain socket

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Connecting to a MySQL container in the same pod

Apache mod_proxy_uwsgi and unix domain sockets

Connect Node.js as client to a Common Lisp server

How can one connect to a Unix socket using akka?

scala akka unix-socket

UNIX socket connection refused

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PostgREST on Google Cloud SQL: unix socket URI format?

Force MySQL to use only unix socket

mysql unix-socket

C unix domain sockets, recvfrom() doesn't set struct sockaddr* src_addr

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Is IPC with unix domain sockets are safe?

ipc unix-socket

Run dbus-daemon inside Docker container

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Using Java NIO with Unix Domain sockets in non-blocking mode with selectors

Socket Programming: UDP Client-Server in C