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New posts in uniq

how to sort based on a column but uniq based on another column?

linux sorting uniq

easy way to change the uniq -c output?

shell sorting awk sed uniq

bash tail on a live log file, counting uniq lines with same date/time

bash logging tail uniq

Why uniq -c output with space instead of \t?

shell awk uniq

"isn't numeric" error in "sort" after "uniq"

perl sorting uniq

sort: string comparison failed Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

string sorting unix cygwin uniq

How to select unique elements

ruby arrays uniq

Output whole line once for each unique value of a column (Bash)

bash shell awk uniq

Changing delimiter of the uniq command


Using linux command "sort -f | uniq -i" together for ignoring case

linux sorting awk gawk uniq

Why does uniq! return nil if there are no duplicates

ruby arrays uniq

Using Hadoop, are my reducers guaranteed to get all the records with the same key?

hadoop mapreduce hive uniq

How to sort,uniq and display line that appear more than X times

bash sorting uniq

Rails 3, ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL - ".uniq" command doesn't work?

remove white space in bash using sed

bash unix sed whitespace uniq

sort unique urls from log

shell sorting logging uniq

How to print only the unique lines in BASH?

bash uniq

How to do natural sort output of "uniq -c" in descending/acsending order? - unix

Sort & uniq in Linux shell

linux shell sorting uniq

Find unique lines

linux sorting unique uniq