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New posts in underline

How to underline an EditText

Underlining Text in an <input> Box

Breakable colored underline in CSS

html css underline

CSS - Underline text but ignore the spaces

css space underline

NSAttributedString: underline is not applied

Extending an underline in CSS

html css underline

Changing underline color with css doesn't work in chrome?

html css underline

Using a System.Drawing.Font with a WPF Label

wpf fonts label underline

How can I change the distance between text and underline in a WPF TextBlock?

wpf xaml textblock underline

How can I underline a single character in the Content of a Button in WPF?

wpf xaml button underline

css :after content not underlined

In an xterm, can I turn off bold or underline without resetting the current color?

How can I create a line after my text to the width of the container?

css class html underline

Is there a way to underline one character in a WPF TextBlock?

c# wpf textblock underline

A semantic HTML tag for a signature [closed]

html css underline

Is there any way to make the HTML underline thicker?

html css border underline

How to underline part of a heading (first 40px for instance)?

css underline

Android: Statically underline dynamic text in TextView

android underline

RichTextBox and underline color

XStream double underline handling (Java)

java xstream underline