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New posts in undefined-reference

MingW static library linking - SFML 2.1

Adding intrinsics using an LLVM pass

C++: Undefined reference to function in namespace

c++ g++ undefined-reference

Is there a way to ignore unused undefined references?

Why is this trying to find the destructor twice?

Linking D library to C++ code

.dll Plugin that uses functions defined in the main executable

Compiler error with yaml-cpp - undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::convert_to_map`

with -lpthread, g++ compiler error, "undefined reference to " semaphore calls such as `sem_open'

Undefined reference to memcpy_s

Qt and C++ - undefined reference to slot

crc32() missing when building libzip on OSX 10.9

Odd behaviour of final on a virtual function

Undefined references when trying to link Qt app with my static library

In C programming, what is `undefined reference`error, when compiling? [duplicate]

c undefined-reference

undefined reference to `boost::chrono::system_clock::now()' - Boost, and cpp-netlib

Linking libavcodec and libavformat: Undefined references

Undefined symbols error when using a header file

"undefined reference to" in G++ Cpp

c++ g++ undefined-reference

Should a virtual function essentially have a definition?