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New posts in undefined-behavior

Is it allowed to cast away const on a const-defined object as long as it is not actually modified?

Is it undefined behavior to use functions with side effects in an unspecified order?

c undefined-behavior

Does an expression with undefined behaviour that is never actually executed make a program erroneous?

May I take the address of the one-past-the-end element of an array? [duplicate]

Can I use [[noreturn]] on non-void returning functions?

Is using a member function as an argument to a constructor undefined behavior?

c++ undefined-behavior

Standard reference for int foo = foo

c++ undefined-behavior

Why does a program accessing illegal pointer to pointer not crash?

c undefined-behavior

Is the behaviour of casting a negative double to unsigned int defined in the C standard? Different behaviour on ARM vs. x86

GOTO before local variable

Is undefined behavior worth it?

c++ undefined-behavior

Consequences of uninitialised variables: int vs unsigned char

Does C have an equivalent of std::less from C++?

Is this infinite recursion UB?

Is it undefined behaviour if multiple operands in a compound expression modify the same object?

Division by zero: Undefined Behavior or Implementation Defined in C and/or C++?

What's a proper way of type-punning a float to an int and vice-versa?

Why should I not try to use "this" value after "delete this"?

c++ undefined-behavior

Why is GCC tricked into allowing undefined behavior simply by putting it in a loop?

What precautions should I take to make a memory pool that does not invoke undefined behavior?