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iOS 11 - Crash on adding subview inside VKSideMenu

Class Unavailable UIVisualEffectView prior to iOS8

iOS 8 UIVisualEffect UIBlurEffect and Scaling/Moving/Resizing

UIBlurEffect not blurring on device but works in simulator

System blur style before iOS 13.0 warning when using material style in storyboard

Vibrancy Effect on UIButton in Interface Builder

How to minimize visual flickering with iOS8 "UIVisualEffectView with Blur"

ios uivisualeffectview

UIVisualEffectView not working on iPhone 6

UIBlurEffect in a custom modal presentation

How can blurriness of UIVisualEffectView be modified while dragging in iOS?

iOS 10 Blur Effects Prominent and Regular not working

Create shadow around a UIVisualEffectView without covering the whole view

Animate the fractionComplete of UIViewPropertyAnimator for blurring the background

Performance issue with UIVisualEffectView in UITableViewCell

tweak intensity of blur effect inside UIVisualEffectView in Swift