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New posts in cgaffinetransform

Behaviour of CGAffineTransformMakeScale with CGREct and with UIView

Correcting blurry text after a CGAffineTransformMakeScale

Applying a Scale AffineTransform to a UIView changes its center

How to change anchor of rotation angle to center with CGAffineTransform?

CGAffineTransformRotate and M_PI inconsistencies (Objective-C, iOS)

CGAffineTransformConCat/ CGAffineTransformMakeScale in Swift 3

ios swift cgaffinetransform

how to rotate uibutton like this in iphone sdk

Flip the video recorded with front facing camera along horizontal axis in IOS

CGAffineTransform translation doesn't work on tabbar after update to Xcode 11

iPhone/iPad Pan, Pinch and Rotate a view simultaneously

How to move a UIImageView after applying CGAffineTransformRotate to it?

UIButton not responding after animation

iOS 8 UIVisualEffect UIBlurEffect and Scaling/Moving/Resizing

CGAffineTransform: rotation on UIButton resizes button image

Pinch-to-zoom UILabel

CGAffineTransform concatenating two matrices vs applying one to the other

swift cgaffinetransform

Animation of CGAffineTransform in iOS8 looks different than in iOS7

Animation Grow/Decrease Size imageView iOS