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New posts in uiviewcontroller

How to change view of my viewController programmatically?

Custom transition in Swift 3 does not translate correctly

Where to call becomeFirstResponder(), at ViewDidAppear or ViewWillAppear?

Iphone Landscape mode switching to Portraite mode on loading new controller

How do I add a UINavigationController to a view in code?

How to achieve smooth animation when using single-step rotation / How do I get the new frame size at the start of rotation?

ios uisegmentedcontrol with different sizes

why does this code use presentModalViewController? (not pushViewController)

viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear never get called

Is it advisable to add a UIViewController's view to another UIViewController's view?

self.navigationController pushViewController not adding controller to stack

UIButton not Working when the UIview is presented by addsubView

Expected Declaration error creating array in ViewController, can't work out why

edgesForExtendedLayout ignored on iOS9 when using custom animation

viewDidLoad vs ViewWillAppear in IOS

ios swift uiviewcontroller

Why isn't my UIButton responding to touches?

How can I close UIVIewController?

Parent View Controller doesn't rotate while Child View Controller is presented

UIViewController subclass can't assign instance variable

Stop a modal UIViewController from rotating