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New posts in uipopovercontroller

Show modal view controller with custom frame in iPad

Get word from long tap in a word of UITextView

How to make a popup/dialog view in iOS in a separate ViewController?

UIPopoverController dismiss on 'tap off' - how do I detect this event?

Set UIPopOverController size

How to change the coordinates of a popover on the fly

Google maps style uipopovercontroller

UIDatePicker in PopoverView in iPad

UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate methods only called on user dismissal

ios8 uipopovercontroller

Why is UIPopoverController not a UIViewController subclass?

How do I move FPPopover as low as I want? If I push it too low, it jumps back to the top

UIPopoverController backgroundColor causing flash when shown

Monotouch - UIImagePickerController with an iPad App

Swift: How to create a popup menu in iOS

Presenting a UIPopoverController from UICollectionViewCell

How can I disable the main toolbar when displaying a popover using modalInPopover?