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New posts in typesafe-config

How can I create a ConfigValue represents a object in Typesafe.Config

scala akka typesafe-config

Typesafe Config: best pattern for overriding substitutions in later settings?

How to read environment variables in TypeSafe config in scala?

scala typesafe-config

Prohibit resolving during loading in typesafe config

java scala typesafe-config

Reading and Processing HOCON in Kotlin

com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$NotResolved: has not been resolved,

scala typesafe-config

Using typesafe config with Spark on Yarn

Command line arguments not working for sbt-assembly jars

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: scala.Int when using akka 2.5.6 with sbt version 1.0.2

sbt typesafe-config

Typesafe Config: How to Create Conditional Configurations


Accessing array elements in a TypeSafe configuration

How do I get an unwrapped key in Typesafe Config?

Typesafe config: How to iterate over configuration items

Something like Typesafe Config for NodeJS

Typesafe config: encryption/obfuscation of sensitive values in memory

java scala typesafe-config

How to override array in Typesafe config with environment variables?

typesafe typesafe-config

HOCON Substitution default value

How does one specify multi-line strings in Typesafe Config?
