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New posts in tsqlt

tSQLt fails when attempting to FakeTable a synonym table

sql tsql tsqlt

How to get MAX int but exclude specific int?

sql sql-server-2008 tsqlt

How do I mock/fake a RaiseError with in a StoredProcedure

There was also a ROLLBACK ERROR and tSQLt.ExpectException

Using tSQLt, how can I isolate the dependency on the system clock when using GETUTCDATE()?

sql-server tsql tsqlt

How do I rename a tSQLt test class?

redgate tsqlt

How do I ignore a column in a tSQLt AssertEqualsTable?


tSQLt TRUSTWORTHY and CLR requirement

How to ROLLBACK a transaction when testing using tSQLt


tSQLt.FakeTable doesnt seem to work with views that have constants/derived fields

sql tsqlt

Unit testing with tSQLt on computed columns

sql-server tdd tsqlt

Unit testing of SSIS Package with tSQLt

sql-server ssis tsqlt dtexec

tsqlt - create separate database for unit testing

tsql tsqlt

TSQL Unit Test tools 2017: SQL Server Data Tools 2017 vs tSQLt

SQLCop tests for tSQLt

sql-server redgate tsqlt

How do I recover when tSQLt faketable does not reset table mapping?

sql-server tdd tsqlt

Unable to create the tSQLtCLR assembly in SQL Server 2017

The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID