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New posts in try-catch-finally

When does a finally block execute if the catch block contains a continue statement?

What is the best practice in C# to propagate an exception thrown in a finally block without losing an exception from a catch block?

Returning from function through catch block, what happens to finally block?

Does finally ensure some code gets run atomically, no matter what?

Fastest `finally` for C++ [closed]

try-catch-finally idiom in smalltalk

Does ThreadAbortException still enforce executing the code in finally (try/catch) section?

What's the difference between code inside finally block and code after finally block?

Difference between try{..}catch{...} with finally and without it

How to handle throw exceptions inside finally block in java

Adding return in finally hides the exception

Yield return from a try/catch block [duplicate]

Unit testing finally blocks in Java 6

Exiting an application gracefully?

Is finally "out of scope" in a try/catch block

scala try-catch-finally

error while using try with resources in Java

System.exit() results unexecutable finally block [duplicate]

Is finally block really necessary for the clean up code (like closing streams)?

Understanding try catch finally with return and value that it returns

Why code in finally block doesn't execute?