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New posts in transform

Pygame zooming/scrolling window

SL4 TransformToVisual: "Value does not fall within the expected range."

silverlight-4.0 transform

Font Pixelate Issue in Chrome (HTML5/CSS3)

Can i use transform as a value of transition-property?

How can I scale a container to match its scaled (or otherwise transformed) content?

html css transform

how to retain fixed positions of elements inside transformed elements?

html css transform

Transform rotate not working properly in chrome

css google-chrome transform

Adding curved / arch sides to css3 3d object via transforms

html css transform

SVG Image gets blurry and flickers when using css transform to move

css transform

Is there a transformation matrix that can scale the x and/or y axis logarithmically?

wpf math matrix transform

web.config transform xml element

xml web-config transform

how to get a boundingbox for multiple items in wpf?

Android ImageView should be larger than screen

Keep transforming elements on top of other elements

Clipping Issue during 3d transform in Safari only

html css transform

CSS Transform offset varies with text length

Getting Screen Positions of D3 Nodes After Transform

Percentage transform-origin for SVG not obeyed in Firefox, only sometimes in WebKit