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window.click does not fire on Safari for iPad

Android ListView running an event on Item Long Click Release

Moving buttons via Touch

UITableView Not Scrolling

ios scroll touch tableview

How to set different velocity to recognise swipes with hammer.js jQuery plugin?

Scrolling horizontally on mobile

Unity Moving Player along X-axis

c# unity3d touch

How to track a long hold for a finger in iPhone?

iphone events touch

How can I tell when something outside my UITableViewCell has been touched?

Android Touch Events Pointer Down

android touch

Cocos2d touch dispatcher causing object retain

Smooth scrolling with inertia and edge resistance/snapback

java android touch

I want To track The Speed Of the fingure movement in pixel Per Second Is It Possible Any WaY?

How to detect when an actor is touched in libgdx?

android touch sprite libgdx

ToolTips in iOS through native UI Controls?

ios cocoa touch tooltip

android custom keyboard: touch area of space key not completely covered

android keyboard touch

swipe gestures on android in unity

How exactly do I output the distance between two touch points in Xcode for iOS?

xcode ios touch

Javascript, detect touch devices

javascript touch

speed or acceleration of motion event android