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New posts in tomcat7

tomcat7 maven plugin deploy fails

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource cannot be cast to org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource

tomcat7 sqlanywhere

POST parameters using wrong encoding in JSF 1.2

getting the HTTP URL from inside a JAX-RS resource

jersey tomcat7 jax-rs

I am not able to add Tomcat Server again

eclipse tomcat7

MySQL table automatically deleted on Restarting Tomcat Server

Start Tomcat remotely with Fabric

java automation tomcat7 fabric

"The specified Tomcat installation directory does not exist" after reinstalling system

java.lang.AbstractMethodError deploying an application (Spring 4 MVC+Hibernate 4/5)

Is it possible to use tomcat 7.0.20 within eclipse indigo?

eclipse tomcat tomcat7

Async Servlet Exception

Redirecting a 404 error page to a custom page of my Spring MVC webapp in Tomcat

java spring-mvc tomcat7

how to solve this java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource cannot be cast to org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource?

java servlets jndi tomcat7

Can't open workspace in eclipse [duplicate]

java eclipse tomcat7

Primefaces Chat Application - web.xml Invalid content was found starting with element [duplicate]

Eclipse not starting tomcat-7 server in debug mode

java eclipse tomcat7

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space with tomcat7 windows service