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New posts in tfs

Restricting TFS check-in policy to specific users

MSBuild is failing inconsistently when performing a TFS build (usually error C1093 / Not enough Storage)

SccProviderPackage package did not load correctly - VS2013

visual-studio-2013 tfs

TFS 2017 Build Automatically kicks off and keeps failing

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Shortcut/Link to another folder in TFS

How to determine the work items associated with a source branch in TFS 2010?

visual-studio-2010 tfs

Is there a way to cc: someone on a bug/work item in Microsoft Team Foundation Server?


Setting Code Analysis settings in TFSBuild.proj

How to configure libgit2 in TFS Build with private repositories?

Possible to use git project AND see TFS work items in VS2013?

reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" were not found in TFS2010

.net tfs msbuild tfsbuild

Task host node exited prematurely Error. Log file location

How to properly clone a visualstudio.com TFS Git repository from a command line?

git visual-studio tfs

Programmatically get TFS blame (annotation) data

c# tfs annotate blame

What is AutoUnify and why is it causing working tests to fail in TFS 2015

CustomizableOutDir=true breaks MSTest.exe during Team Build

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TFSBuild/MSBuild and Project Reference vs File Reference

TFS Automated Build Dashboard [closed]

tfs build automation dashboard

What is the pull request equivalent for tfs?


TFS Moving Files with history