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New posts in blame

Which Subversion web interfaces have a blame feature?

svn version-control blame

Git: Find last edits from a specific user in a specific file

git last-modified blame

SVN - Does a merge preserve the author so that blame will be correct?

svn merge annotate blame

Tortoise SVN blame displays non-sense

svn tortoisesvn blame

ignore whitespace/identation in annotate mode with Intelliji and git

git intellij-idea blame

Programmatically get TFS blame (annotation) data

c# tfs annotate blame

Github: "This email will not be used for commit blame"

git email github privacy blame

How do you find out which commit a file mode change came from?

git blame

Is there a Diff library for java that supports Annotate/Blame?

java diff annotate blame

How to blame previous versions of a specific line of code in VS 2015?

How does git blame determine who edited a line of a file?

git version-control blame

Word-by-word blame/annotate in version control?

git svn blame

style cleanup that doesn't trample svn blame?

git blame of particular lines inside all files filtered with grep command

git: blame the previous version of each line changed in a given commit

git git-commit blame

How to find a specific change in a specific file in Git

git git-diff blame

Combine `cloc` with `git blame`

git blame cloc git-blame