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New posts in ternary-operator

Optimising "i = b ? (i | mask) : (i & ~mask)"

How to have two function calls inside ternary operator in JSX?

What are the limits of using a ternary operator in Objective-C?

Why ternary operator does not support blocks?

Alternative to using a ternary operator in Lambda

C++11 constexpr function compiler error with ternary conditional operator (?:)

What could be the output of echo ('True'?(true?'t':'f'):'False'); And explain why? [duplicate]

PHP: Is there opposite of null coalescing operator?

Why can C++ ternary operator return type not be a base class type? [duplicate]

Why does the compiler use a temporary variable?

How can I assign a var to be one of two difference types based on a conditional?

c# ternary-operator var

GCC C vector extension: How to test the result of a comparison (for conditional assignment, etc)?

Ternary (Conditional) Operator and Style

Shell Scripting Ternary operator to get string result

Does the statement `int val = (++i > ++j) ? ++i : ++j;` invoke undefined behavior?

Is it safe to create a const reference to result of ternary operator in C++?