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How to have two function calls inside ternary operator in JSX?

I am trying to render two components if the condition is met inside a ternary operator. However, only the 2nd component is rendered. How can I probably put two functions calls after the conditions?

      views === "monthly"
      ? this.renderDays(),
      : null

I tried the followings (none of them works)

      views === "monthly"
      ? this.renderDays(),
      : null

      views === "monthly"
      ? (this.renderDays(), this.renderCells())
      : null

      views === "monthly"
      ? (this.renderDays(); this.renderCells())
      : null
like image 750
geekydude703 Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 11:12


1 Answers

You could return an array of components:

  views === "monthly"
  ? [this.renderDays(), this.renderCells()]
  : null

Or if the methods return arrays itself, just spread them:

  views === "monthly"
  ? [...this.renderDays(), ...this.renderCells()]
  : null
like image 96
Jonas Wilms Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 00:12

Jonas Wilms