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New posts in terminology

Does "resolve" consistently mean something distinct from "fulfill"?

Is the name of `liftM` inspired by lifts in mathematics? [closed]

How do you say `[` and `[[`?

r subset terminology

What is the difference between "uses" and "depends upon"?

oop uml terminology

What do we call the combined path, query, and fragment in a URI?

uri terminology

What is an instantiable "class" called in JavaScript other than an object?

javascript oop terminology

Fault/error/failure in this example [closed]

What is the difference between energy function and loss function? [closed]

SRP & "axis of change"?

Terminology/naming convention for queue operations/APIs?

List of idiomatic word pairs

terminology idioms

device drivers vs driver stack

driver terminology drivers

Name of the anti-pattern of keeping old obsolete code around

terminology anti-patterns

Bounding Box vs. Rectangle

Lower trailing parts of letters "g" and "y" etc hidden/cut off/overwritten in ggplot labels

r ggplot2 terminology

definition of filename?

What does 'semicolon' mean as a unit of size

terminology iolanguage

Difference between machine image and instance in virtualization?

What is a Value Class and what is a reference Class in C#?

c# .net oop terminology

Why is an Arduino program called a sketch?

arduino terminology