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The most correct way to refer to 32-bit and 64-bit versions of programs

x86 64-bit x86-64 terminology

Haskell "Source reduction"

What is the name of a function whose result depends only on its parameters?

What to call part of a url

terminology uri

Are Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Forth high level programming languages?

Where did the term "polymorphism" come from?

polymorphism terminology

What does "beta" mean for an evolving web application?

What is the term for "catching" a return value


Is md5 an injective function?

md5 terminology

Is there a programming term for selecting or inserting similar to "upsert"?

Is there a term for finding a minimal set of N points that approximate a curve?

Absolute ("/foo") and relative ("../foo") file names. What is the "foo" category called?

What is the term for a request that redraws the whole web page?

html ajax terminology

What does the "API Throttling" and "API Throttling Warnings" mean?

What does it mean to build a project?

build project terminology

What is the basic difference between namespace , library and header files?

What is a test case?

Why is it called 'wchar_t' and not simply 'wchar'?

c++ c terminology

What did John McCarthy mean by *pornographic programming*?

lisp terminology history