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New posts in terminology

What are fitness sharing and niche count in evolutionary computation?

Javascript - difference between namespace vs. closure?

In 0-based indexing system, do people call the element at index 0 the "first" or the "zeroth" element?

Correct "base path" terminology

What is the difference between a trap, an error, a failure and program abortion? [closed]

c++ terminology

What's the reason behind the name Market in Control.Lens?

Is there a name for a tree like graph, where nodes can have multiple parents, but still from only 1 level above

caches vs paging

Regression-Test vs. Non-Regression-Test


What's *Deterministic concurrency*?

concurrency terminology

SVN Terminologies - checkouts, working copy, property, repository

svn terminology

How are these called? literals, captions, labels or properties?

"Never invent such names; only use them as documented." Who?

Why do we call the fully connected layers in CNN "the Top Layers"?

Git - Mastering Terminology [closed]

git terminology

ADT names. What is `Left a`, and then what is `a`, in Haskell?

What is "Commodity Software"?

terminology commodity

what is a native object?

java terminology

What is an array internal pointer in PHP?

php arrays terminology

OOP Terminology: "Container" & "Collection"

java c++ oop terminology