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New posts in template-meta-programming

Perfect forwarding with a temporary function wrapper

Template metafunctions to generate pybind11 bindings

Detecting basic_string instantiation

Expression Templates in D

Enforcing invariants in metaprogramming

Why std::is_constructible stops at immediate context?

Compile-time literal string as template argument

C++ How to make an std::tuple type based on partial specializations?

Enumerating over a fold expression

Metaprogramming with constexpr or struct

Cast for upcasting only

How to build a hana::tuple_t<T, T, T, ...> given T and the number of elements n

What's the best way to implement this "on error, throw" callback?

Split paramter pack

Misunderstanding about non-deducible function template arguments

Getting Index of a type in a Typelist

Is there a way to consistently sort type template parameters?

How to make C++ ADL to look into all instances of a template?

Weird nested class partial specialization results on both gcc and clang

How to check if template argument is a callable with a given signature