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New posts in template-meta-programming

Use of void template argument in early detection idiom implementation

can the compiler feasibly calculate a DFA from a regular expression?

Can't detect T::value() using auto to parametrize true_type

Policy-based template design: How to access certain policies of the class?

Q: Template class that takes either a normal type or a template template argument

Type of the first parameter of a member function in C++11

C++11: How to check if a type is an instantiation of a given class-template of "heterogeneous" NON-TYPE parameters?

Ambiguous template with SFINAE dummy parameter

Partial specialization of class template for a type that appears in any position of a variadic template parameter pack

inconsistent behavior with boost::mpl placeholder evaluation

C++ check whether constructor contains a parameter of given type

Compile-time equivalent to std::accumulate()

Is this "Tag Dispatching"?

Creating a new boost-variant type from given nested boost-variant type

Where do normal templates end and meta templates begin?

Select unary vs. binary std::transform function overload automatically based on callable's signature

Getting access to the back of a template parameter pack in O(1)

"Conversion" from type to same type is causing error

what is std::identity and how it is used?

CRTP and template template parameters limitation