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New posts in gcc4.8

QT Creator adds -Xarch

macos qt-creator gcc4.8

undefined reference to '__gthrw___pthread_key_create(unsigned int*, void (*)(void*))

c++11 gcc opensuse gcc4.8

narrowing conversion from int to long unsigned int {} is ill-formed in C++11

c++ c c++11 gcc-warning gcc4.8

thread_local member variable construction

constexpr function not calculate value in compile time

Compile-time equivalent to std::accumulate()

C++11 std::this_thread::sleep_until() hangs when compiled with GCC 4.8.5

c++ c++11 gcc4.8

GCC doesn't make use of inc

GCC doesn't produce line number information even with -g option

c gcc gdb gcc4.8

When int isn't an int (intX_t)

c++ c++11 gcc gcc4.8

__int128 error when compiling 32 bit

c++ c gcc gcc4.8

Strange results when using C++11 regexp with gcc 4.8.2 (but works with Boost regexp) [duplicate]

c++ regex gcc c++11 gcc4.8

How to update to mingw-gcc 4.8.2?

c++ mingw gcc4.8

Make exits with "Error 2" when trying to install gcc-4.8.1

constexpr versus template, pow function

c++ templates c++11 gcc4.8

Getting a unique_ptr out of a priority queue

Is there a GCC warning that detects bit shift operations on signed types?

c++ gcc gcc-warning gcc4.8

Memory leak in gcc 4.8.1 when using thread_local?

Does gcc 4.8.1 enable sse by default?

c++ c gcc gcc4.8

Unknown type name ‘off64_t’

gcc g++ gcc4.8