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New posts in task-parallel-library

Parallel.For loop - Assigning a unique data entity for each thread

How to cancel previous Task if new request recieved?

Async method not running in parallel

Wrap a function as an async task

Multiple async-await chaining inside Parallel.ForEach

Should I return ValueTask if I still use TaskCompletionSource to implement asynchrony?

Thread.Sleep blocking parallel execution of tasks

Calling Task.wait may not wait if the task has not yet started?

TaskCreationOptions for an async Task Method

What is the use case of ConcurrentQueue<T>.TryPeek()?

Task.Factory.StartNew() not working for me

c# task-parallel-library

Task.WaitAll - Not Waiting?

Is this a correct .NET 4 implementation for .NET 4.5's WhenAll?

How to achieve "true" asynchrony

How to create a Task from already asynchronous code?

How to implement Task.WhenAny() with a predicate

Using ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair as an async ReaderWriterLock equivalent

Is it possible to get successful results from a Task.WhenAll when one of the tasks fails? [duplicate]

When does inlining a task occur?

Regarding how Async and Await works c#