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Async method not running in parallel

In the following code, in the B method, the code Trace.TraceInformation("B - Started"); never gets called.

Should the method be running in parallel?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        private static async Task A()
            for (;;)

        private static async Task B()
            Trace.TraceInformation("B - Started");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var tasks = new List<Task> { A(), B() };
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Fernando Silva Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 12:12

Fernando Silva

1 Answers

Short answer

No, as you wrote your two async methods, they are indeed not running in parallel. Adding await Task.Yield(); to your first method (e.g. inside the loop) would allow them to do so, but there are more reasonable and straightforward methods, highly depending on what you actually need (interleaved execution on a single thread? Actual parallel execution on multiple threads?).

Long answer

First of all, declaring functions as async does not inherently make them run asynchronously or something. It rather simplifies the syntax to do so - read more about the concepts here: Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await

Effectively A is not asynchronous at all, as there is not a single await inside its method body. Instructions up to the first use of await run synchronously like a regular method would.

From then on, the object that you await determines what happens next, i.e. the context that the remaining method runs in.

To force execution of a task to happen on another thread, use Task.Run or similar.

In this scenario, adding await Task.Yield() does the trick since the current synchronization context is null and this happens to indeed cause the task scheduler (should be ThreadPoolTaskScheduler) to execute the remaining instuctions on a thread-pool thread - some environment or configuration might cause you to only have one of them, so things would still not run in parallel.


The moral of the story is: Be aware of the differences between two concepts:

  • concurrency (which is enabled by using async/await reasonably) and
  • parallelism (which only happens when concurrent tasks get scheduled the right way or if you enforce it using Task.Run, Thread, etc. in which case the use of async is completely irrelevant anyway)
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olydis Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 08:01
