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Is there a way to use angular 2 without any module loader?

typescript angular systemjs

how to use Angular2, systemjs locally WITHOUT node.js/npm?

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How to import a npm package in an angular2 component?

Loading modules in TypeScript using System.js

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Load node module with SystemJS and Karma in Angular 2

Angular 2 bootstrapping main component not working

Importing CSS and controlling order in <head> using jspm and system.js

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How to find NPM package on Unpkg

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Angular2 - Angular-CLI installing lodash - Cannot find module

Bundle TypeScript with external JS files (e.g. node_modules)

How to create an angular 2 build folder when using systemjs.config.js

angular gulp systemjs

SystemJS + Karma + TypeScript - Not running test

How to create angular2 library which could be supported by all script loaders

angular webpack systemjs umd

What is the "format register" string for at the top of JavaScript files?

Using moment.js in Angular 2 typescript application

How to load RxJS (and zone.js / reflect-metadata) with Angular 2 (beta and newer)?

How to compile an Angular2 TypeScript application to a single file?

How could I use a system.import() into component angular 2

Angular2.0 in subdirectory, SystemJS cant import angular components

Angular 2 bundle like import / Import multiple modules