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New posts in umd

Javascript UMD - where/how are root, factory defined?

javascript umd

Importing UMD built module using webpack leads to Critical Dependency errors

typescript webpack loader umd

Babel 7 modules UMD - why transpeiler defines global item in lower case and how to avoid it?

babeljs umd

How to fix handlebars 'module not found' in typescript when compiling to umd

typescript npm umd

Is it reasonable to use UMD with no exports, to simply augment a dependency?

Configuring library as external in webpack does not work with UMD as libraryTarget

javascript webpack umd

How does browserify bundle a universal module

browserify umd

Webpack umd library return Object.default

javascript module webpack umd

Avoid bundling lib dependencies with webpack + handlebars loader

Webpack UMD: Critical dependency... cannot be statically extracted

typescript webpack umd

Import UMD Javascript Modules into Browser

Angular 5 - instantiate a component from its name as a string

JQuery library module export

javascript jquery module umd

Importing UMD style module with ES6, Webpack, and Babel

How to create angular2 library which could be supported by all script loaders

angular webpack systemjs umd

Output a UMD module from dynamic sources with webpack

webpack umd

How to create TypeScript definition file (d.ts) for umd library