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New posts in system.data.sqlite

How to Close Sqlite Connection without explicitly calling Close Method using .NET

System.Data.Sqlite not being recognized by Visual Studio 2010 on Win 2K8 Server machine

System.data.sqlite - Activating WAL Journal Mode

How do I create and persist a SQLite DB from scratch in code using System.Data.SQLite and C#?

Store NaN values in SQLite database

sqlite system.data.sqlite

Find object for given primary key in entity framework

Performance issues to iterate results with C# SQLite DataReader and attached database

SQLite.NET Performance Using SQLiteParameter with LIKE operator

How does System.Data.SQLite deal with .NET Data Types?

Can/should I run my web site against a SQLite database?

SQLite assembly not copied to output folder for unit testing

Random error when testing with NHibernate on an in-Memory SQLite db

Enable shared cache mode in System.Data.Sqlite (.net)

When i select from sqlite column of type 'int' I can cast to .net int but when I select from 'integer' column I cannot

c# system.data.sqlite

List Attached Databases using a SELECT command in SQLite

How should I disable Entity Framework table reference(foreign) list from each objects?

'The database file is locked' with System.Data.SQLite

Multiple access to a single SQLite database file via System.Data.SQLite and c#

Adding "System.Data.SQLite" as a reference
