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Custom "let" expression in Scala

scala syntax let

How to correctly have multi line yaml strings?

syntax yaml multiline

Why should we use "::" operator on global functions / objects?

c++ syntax

T-SQL syntax abbreviation when JOIN columns have same name in both tables?

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Ruby Class Method Setup

ruby class methods syntax

Variable not initialized in try catch block `finally`

java syntax compiler-errors

How does this Java code instantiate an abstract class?

Haskell - Using a constant in pattern matching

jquery slanted/curly quotation marks confusion

How is the | symbol read in Elm?

syntax elm

What does `(c = *str) != 0` mean?

c++ c pointers syntax

Python syntax for a map(max()) call

python python-3.x syntax

syntax for string vs array indexing

arrays string syntax ocaml

Explain line of C code in qsort

c syntax qsort

Python equivalent of c++ find_if

python syntax

Single quotes as separator in large number?

c++ syntax emulation

What do brackets and braces mean in HL7 segments?

syntax hl7 hl7-v2 hl7-v3

Where with lambda in haskell

haskell syntax where let

How do you include a multiline number in a Haskell source file?

haskell syntax

How to "read" if let expressions?