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HL7 parser to parse v2.7 messages in java

hl7 hl7-v2

How to load static data in Mirth, avoid many roundtrips to a database

shortcut hl7 mirth

Anyone know average HL7 clinical message response times?


Parsing an HL7 without a priori messageType knowledge

c# hl7 nhapi

How do I pull data out of an EPIC EMR?


HL7 v2X and v3 data modeling

What do brackets and braces mean in HL7 segments?

syntax hl7 hl7-v2 hl7-v3

HL7 parser/writer for PHP

php hl7

HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) Development using SQL Programming

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OpenEHR .oet XML schema

hl7 medical openehr

How to identify devices with HL7?

hl7 hl7-v2

HAPI HL7 Validator does not validate parsed messages

hl7 hapi

Best Way to store recieved hl7 message from customer in database

message hl7

In .xsl, take a range value like "130-210", and determine if "86" or "458" is within that numeric range

xml xls hl7 ccr

Identifying HL7 V3 schemas for CDA R2

How to use Escape character in hl7 message

java hl7 mirth hl7-v2

Convert XML to HL7 messages using Mirth Connect

xml hl7 mirth

any available APIs for EPIC EMR?

ruby-on-rails-3 hl7

Need to parse HL7 message

java hl7 hapi

How do I validate a CCD HL7 document?

xml validation hl7 ccd