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New posts in symfony-2.7

Symfony2.7.1 fresh installation. Failed to load resource

php symfony symfony-2.7

How to close all sessions for a user in Symfony 2.7?

php symfony symfony-2.7

Incredibly slow cache:clear of symfony in dev environment

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Symfony2 Can't inherit abstract function Validator\ValidatorInterface::validate() (previously declared abstract in \Validator\ValidatorInterface)

JWT authentification with Symfony 2.7

How to install Symfony 2.7?

Should the changes of SymfonyRequirements.php be included in version control?

php symfony symfony-2.7

Symfony 2.7 choice_attr with EntityType field

Symfony2 LTS: how to upgrade from 2.3 to 2.7?

How can I avoid applying attr to all options of my choice field?

php forms symfony symfony-2.7

Unable to generate a URL for the named route admin_sonata_classification_category_create

Every parent controller must have `get{SINGULAR}Action($id)` method when i have multi level sub resource in FOS Rest Bundle

How specify parameter's format in Nelmio ApiDocBundle

Set up registration FOSUserBundle with FOSRestBundle REST API

How do I check if object was found in a Doctrine2 repository?

'templating.helper.router' service is not found in symfony 2.7

symfony2.7 pass translator in service container

symfony symfony-2.7

Compile Error: Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression

php symfony twig symfony-2.7

Different table name and entity name in Symfony2

symfony symfony-2.7