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Reference counting for SWIG-ed C structs containing complex types doesn't seem to work as expected

python struct swig

Generate documentation for 2 languages with same code

c vb6 swig doxygen python-sphinx

Handling std::function with SWIG

c++ c++11 swig

How do you wrap C++ code for IronPython access

Track native memory usage from Java?

Creating new classes/members at run-time in scripting languages used in C++ [closed]

c++ lua swig squirrel

Do I need to dispose of SWIG-generated objects?

c# swig idisposable

SWIG: No typemaps are defined

python numpy swig

How to use SWIG to wrap a C++ operator[] in a template class inside a namespace?

Using SWIG to convert C++ char* as char[] in Java instead of String

c++ swig

How to convert C array to Python tuple or list with SWIG?

python swig

Header file not found only in specific translation unit

c++ android-ndk swig

SWIG, C++, & Python: C++ temporary objects deleted too soon

python c++ swig

Return an array of java objects using SWIG

java c++ swig

swig: How to make a QList<T> iterable, like std::vector

python c++ qt swig

how can 'const unsigned char *' be wrapped with swig for java

How to diagnose Java JNI EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors in Windows Vista

Swig python - c++ how to use type int8_t

c++ python swig ctypes

Dynamically rethrowing self-defined C++ exceptions as Python exceptions using SWIG