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New posts in super

Am I using super() correctly?

python oop inheritance super

What is `super` in Ruby? [duplicate]

ruby super

ES6 What does super() actually do in constructor function?

What is the difference between super() being called at the beginning or end of a method?

python super

Python3 - using super() in __eq__ methods raises RuntimeError: super(): __class__ cell not found

Calling super from module method

Is it valid to call an abstract method on the super class in java

java abstract super

Django form.save step by step

python django super

Is new super.constructor a valid expression in JavaScript?

What causes OnDraw method of View to be called and when

Does any magic happen when I call `super(some_cls)`?

python python-3.x super

Implicitly invoking parent class initializer

Why would a python class that inherits 'object' call 'super' in its __init__ method?

Creating an order-preserving multi-value dict for Django

Python: can't invoke parent class destructor with super()

python destructor super

Different ways of using __init__ for PyQt4

python pyqt pyqt4 super

What is the difference between super().__repr__() and repr(super())?

what does the compiler when it finds [super msg];

objective-c super

kivy screens. Do I have to initialize with super?

python kivy super

Python: Why can't I use `super` on a class?

python class python-3.x super