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What is the difference between super().__repr__() and repr(super())?

In python (3.5.2), I was expecting the repr(obj) function to call the magic method __repr__() of obj's class. However calling both of them do not seem to yield the same result. Can anyone explain why ?

Sample code :

class parent:

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = "haha"

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.a)

class child(parent):
    def __init__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "("+super().__repr__()+", "+repr(super())+", "+self.b+")"

    def print1(self):
        print("super().__repr__() returns:", super().__repr__())
        print("repr(super()) returns:", repr(super()))
        print("plom(super()).__repr__() returns:", plom(super()).__repr__())
        print("repr(plom(super())) returns:", repr(plom(super())))

def plom(var):
    return var


result :

 RESTART: test super.py 
('haha', <super: <class 'child'>, <child object>>, bebe)
('haha', <super: <class 'child'>, <child object>>, bebe)
super().__repr__() returns: 'haha'
repr(super()) returns: <super: <class 'child'>, <child object>>
plom(super()).__repr__() returns: 'haha'
repr(plom(super())) returns: <super: <class 'child'>, <child object>>
('haha', <super: <class 'child'>, <child object>>, bebe)
('haha', <super: <class 'child'>, <child object>>, bebe)
like image 381
Camion Avatar asked Nov 24 '18 01:11


People also ask

What is the __ repr __ method in Python?

Python __repr__() function returns the object representation in string format. This method is called when repr() function is invoked on the object. If possible, the string returned should be a valid Python expression that can be used to reconstruct the object again.

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__str__ is used in to show a string representation of your object to be read easily by others. __repr__ is used to show a string representation of the object.

What does super () do in Python?

The super() function is used to give access to methods and properties of a parent or sibling class. The super() function returns an object that represents the parent class.

What is super () __ Init__ in Python?

When you initialize a child class in Python, you can call the super(). __init__() method. This initializes the parent class object into the child class. In addition to this, you can add child-specific information to the child object as well.

2 Answers

Calling repr(super()) directly accesses the __repr__ on the super class (technically, the tp_repr of the C PyTypeObject struct defining the super type). Most special dunder methods behave this way when called implicitly (as opposed to explicitly calling them as methods). repr(x) isn't equivalent to x.__repr__(). You can think of repr as being defined as:

def repr(obj):
    return type(obj).__repr__(obj)  # Call unbound function of class with instance as arg

while you were expecting it to be:

def repr(obj):
    return obj.__repr__()  # Call bound method of instance

This behavior is intentional; one, customizing dunder methods per-instance makes little sense, and two, prohibiting it allows for much more efficient code at the C level (it has much faster ways of doing what the illustrative methods above do).

By contrast, super().__repr__() looks up the method on the super instance, and super defines a custom tp_getattro (roughly equivalent to defining a custom __getattribute__ method), which means lookups on the instance are intercepted before they find the tp_repr/__repr__ of the class, and instead are dispatched through the custom attribute getter (which performs the superclass delegation).

like image 198
ShadowRanger Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09


If you consult the docs, you'll see that super returns a proxy object which delegates method calls to the appropriate class according to method resolution order.

So repr(super()) gets you the representation of the proxy object. Whereas the method call super().__repr__() gives you the representation defined by the next class in the method resolution order.

If you want the superclass itself, try

like image 35
juanpa.arrivillaga Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
