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Realtime output from a shell command in Jupyter notebook

I'm telling jupyter to execute a python script:

!python build_database.py

When executed from the terminal, the python script prints the progress during execution. However, in the jupyter notebook, I get all output printed as a list of strings, AFTER the execution. Is there a way to see the output live?

like image 223
Benni Avatar asked Sep 27 '18 21:09


People also ask

How do I get the output from a Jupyter Notebook?

Jupyter Notebook can print the output of each cell just below the cell. When you have a lot of output you can reduce the amount of space it takes up by clicking on the left side panel of the output. This will turn the output into a scrolling window.

How do you call a shell command in Python?

If you need to execute a shell command with Python, there are two ways. You can either use the subprocess module or the RunShellCommand() function. The first option is easier to run one line of code and then exit, but it isn't as flexible when using arguments or producing text output.

1 Answers

It looks like it is not possible out of the box. The output handling of shell commands is buried deep in ipython internals.

One of solutions i would recommend is to create custom magic method based on code below.

Check this answer

Based on it i created a simple magic method that you can use:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT

from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic

def runrealcmd(command):
    process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT, bufsize=1, close_fds=True)
    for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):

Or Popen can be used as context manager. So the code will be a bit more readable and reliable. See docs

Popen objects are supported as context managers via the with statement: on exit, standard file descriptors are closed, and the process is waited for.

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT

from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic

def runrealcmd(command):
    with Popen(
        command, stdout=PIPE, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT, bufsize=1, close_fds=True
    ) as process:
        for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b""):


%runrealcmd ping -c10 www.google.com

Above code probably could be written better but for your needs it should be perfectly fine.

like image 74
Kamil Niski Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11

Kamil Niski